
Recasting the Jobs Debate in South Africa’s Agricultural Sector

South Africa is currently facing an exceptionally high level of unemployment, currently estimated at 32.1%. The reasons this persistently high and increasing level of joblessness are many, and in some ways, quite complex. One of the main reasons has been the pedestrian growth of the economy, which has not provided sufficient space to absorb the growing economically active population into gainful employment. The strategic focus of government has been to promote growth in labour-absorbing industries such as agriculture.
Published 10 February 2025

It is against this background that the agricultural industry has been one of the key sectors that could provide much needed jobs. There are some specific reasons why agriculture is perceived to be a major creator of jobs. First, the sector has grown tremendously over the past two decades, more than doubling in both output and value. Second, the sector has been seen to possess untapped growth potential that can further spur its expansion, mainly through land redistribution and utilization of marginal land. Third, the sector is largely seen as a “low-hanging fruit” given its potential capacity to absorb unskilled or semi-skilled and thereby providing opportunities for the otherwise less educated and marginalized economically active persons.

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