Our People

Nicola Doyle
Machel-Mandela Fellow, The Brenthurst Foundation
Nicola Doyle is a recent graduate of the University of Cape Town with a BSc in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) and an Honours degree in International Relations. Her research interests include regionalism and regional organisations, finding nuance in foreign policy, and understanding the role economics and the rule of law to aid human development, particularly in the African context. Nicola has previous work experience as a research intern for the Institute for African Alternatives (IFAA), during which she assessed the relationship between multilateral mining companies and the economic upliftment of African citizens, and as a monitor for the Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG). Both organisations are based in Cape Town.
In 2017, Nicola completed a six-month internship programme at Amnesty International's Southern Africa Regional Office. The internship involved in-depth research, advocacy and campaigning on human rights and social justice issues in eleven countries across the region. In her spare time, Nicola is an avid reader of fiction and poetry, a keen runner, and aspires to become fluent in French.
Nicola is thrilled to join the Brenthurst Foundation team as a Fellow, and eager to contribute to the its mission to strengthen Africa's economic performance.
Content by Nicola Doyle

Where the Rubber Hits the Road - The Future Of African Cities
Olusegun Obasanjo, Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno, Dickie Davis, David Kilcullen, Emily van der Merwe, Archimedes Muzenda, Dianna Games, Nicola Doyle, Sarah Calburn, Nchimunya Hamukoma, Ray Hartley, Greg Mills
27 Jan 2020

Lagos: An Urban Everest
Dickie Davis, Sarah Calburn, Nicola Doyle, Nchimunya Hamukoma
4 Mar 2019

Rabat and Salé — Bridging the Gap
Archimedes Muzenda, Nicola Doyle, Nchimunya Hamukoma
19 Nov 2018

Many Belts and Roads? Demystifying China's Africa Ambitions
Greg Mills, Nicola Doyle
9 Oct 2018