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Emily van der Merwe

Emily van der Merwe

Former Researcher, The Brenthurst Foundation

South Africa South Africa

Emily recently completed an MSc in Environmental Economics and Climate Change at the London School of Economics. Prior to this she graduated from Stellenbosch University with an undergraduate degree in Law, and an Honours in Economics as a Mandela Rhodes Scholar.

Before joining the Brenthurst Foundation, she worked for the Hoffmann Centre for Sustainable Resource Economy at Chatham House in London, and as a research assistant for the Transition Pathways Initiative at the Grantham Research Institute. She is also a graduate of the Programme for African Leadership at LSE.

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Content by Emily van der Merwe

SOE overhaul, the Ethiopian way


SOE overhaul, the Ethiopian way

Greg Mills, Emily van der Merwe

19 Feb 2020

The Asian Aspiration Book Podcast


The Asian Aspiration Book Podcast

Marie-Noelle Nwokolo, Emily van der Merwe

Where the Rubber Hits the Road - The Future Of African Cities


Where the Rubber Hits the Road - The Future Of African Cities

Olusegun Obasanjo, Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno, Dickie Davis, David Kilcullen, Emily van der Merwe, Archimedes Muzenda, Dianna Games, Nicola Doyle, Sarah Calburn, Nchimunya Hamukoma, Ray Hartley, Greg Mills

27 Jan 2020

Move quickly or be damned: The imperative of African competitiveness


Move quickly or be damned: The imperative of African competitiveness

Greg Mills, Marie-Noelle Nwokolo, Emily van der Merwe

20 Jan 2020

Lesotho at the crossroads: New engines are needed to drive growth


Lesotho at the crossroads: New engines are needed to drive growth

Marie-Noelle Nwokolo, Emily van der Merwe, Greg Mills

26 Nov 2019

Beyond hooking up: Attracting long-term investment requires a different approach


Beyond hooking up: Attracting long-term investment requires a different approach

Greg Mills, Ray Hartley, Emily van der Merwe

18 Oct 2019

Kenya Makes A Big, Risky Bet On A Railway Project


Kenya Makes A Big, Risky Bet On A Railway Project

Greg Mills, Emily van der Merwe

8 Oct 2019

This is the way the world ends: Not with a bang, but a whimper


This is the way the world ends: Not with a bang, but a whimper

Greg Mills, Emily van der Merwe

27 Aug 2019

'Don't be an instant noodle': Small is beautiful in Taiwan


'Don't be an instant noodle': Small is beautiful in Taiwan

Greg Mills, Emily van der Merwe

19 Aug 2019

Aid to Africa: Don't Be A Cheap Date


Aid to Africa: Don't Be A Cheap Date

Greg Mills, Emily van der Merwe

12 Aug 2019

South Africa must rev up its motor manufacturing engine or miss the bus


South Africa must rev up its motor manufacturing engine or miss the bus

Emily van der Merwe, Greg Mills

5 Aug 2019

The Malaysian Saga — It's the Political-Economy, Stupid!


The Malaysian Saga — It's the Political-Economy, Stupid!

Greg Mills, Emily van der Merwe

1 Jul 2019