Our People
Dickie Davis
Special Advisor, The Brenthurst Foundation
Associate of The Brenthurst Foundation
United Kingdom
Major General (Rtd) Dickie Davis is an Associate of the Johannesburg-based Brenthurst Foundation, and the Managing Director: Nant Enterprises Ltd. Since leaving the British Army in 2015, where he served for 31 years reaching the rank of Major General, he has worked mainly in sub-Saharan Africa.
During his military career he served extensively on operations in the Balkans (1995-2002) and in Afghanistan, commanding the first UK Provincial Reconstruction Team in Mazar-e-Sharif (2003), leading the ISAF Reconstruction and Development effort as Chief Engineer of ISAF IX (2006-07), and as Chief of Staff, Regional Command (South) (2009-10). In the UK he served as Director Plans, Land Forces (2007-2009), Director General, Army Recruiting and Training (2011-2013) and Director General, Personnel (2013-14).
He is a Vice President of the Institution of Royal Engineers, Chairman of both the Royal Engineers' Museum and the Royal Engineers Officers' Widows Society, and is Honorary Colonel of the Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers (militia). He holds a first degree in civil engineering, a Master's degree in Defence Technology, is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, and was appointed CB in 2015, CBE in 2004 and MBE is 1996.
Content by Dickie Davis
Where the Rubber Hits the Road - The Future Of African Cities
Olusegun Obasanjo, Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno, Dickie Davis, David Kilcullen, Emily van der Merwe, Archimedes Muzenda, Dianna Games, Nicola Doyle, Sarah Calburn, Nchimunya Hamukoma, Ray Hartley, Greg Mills
27 Jan 2020
Lagos: An Urban Everest
Dickie Davis, Sarah Calburn, Nicola Doyle, Nchimunya Hamukoma
4 Mar 2019
Op-Ed: Getting Beyond Aid in Africa
Olusegun Obasanjo, Greg Mills, Dickie Davis
5 Dec 2017
Op-Ed: Lagos, the relentless city
Greg Mills, Dickie Davis
24 Oct 2017
Making Africa Work — some lessons for Donors
Dickie Davis, Greg Mills
5 Oct 2017
Two Malawis, Few Opportunities, One Challenge
Olusegun Obasanjo, Greg Mills, Dickie Davis
21 Jun 2017
Making Manufacturing Work In Africa
Greg Mills, Dickie Davis
6 Jun 2017
Making Africa work: A handbook for economic success
Dickie Davis, Olusegun Obasanjo, Jeffrey Herbst, Greg Mills
Book interview: This Is How We Grow Africa
Dickie Davis, Greg Mills, Jeffrey Herbst, Olusegun Obasanjo
2 May 2017
Polity's Sashnee Moodley and Greg Mills speak about his co-authored book on Colombia
Greg Mills, David Kilcullen, Dickie Davis, David Spencer
28 Feb 2017
Tswalu Dialogue Report - Future of African Cities
Greg Mills, Terence McNamee, David Kilcullen, Dickie Davis
24 May 2016
The Zambezi Protocol: Result of a Dialogue on Natural Resource Policy in Africa
Dickie Davis, Greg Mills, Olusegun Obasanjo
28 Apr 2016