How the Vote Navigator Works
Over 50 000 policy choices have been made on our Vote Navigator as South Africa's May 29 election draws closer. The tool is designed to help you make up your mind about who should govern the country. It's neutral, easy to do and fun.

The Vote Navigator quiz is in two parts.
The first section is based on a review of the manifestos of the 13 biggest parties based on our latest election survey released in March 2024.
The eight key policy issues are presented as a choice between two opposing views, for example, a choice between centralised government control of the economy or government staying out of the economy and business being allowed to flourish.
You get to decide whether you ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ with either of the options.
We used an algorithm to align the parties with the options and a score is built up which aligns your choice with the parties.
At the end of this section, you will get the three parties that most closely align with your views. You might be surprised by the choices, but if you look into it, you will discover that some parties have manifesto views that you did not expect.
Then comes the all-important second step where you are totally in control.
This section is built on a competency assessment model which would be used for hiring a CEO and an executive team. Essentially, we’re hiring the exec team of SA Inc. and we had to squeeze that into 6 questions again to avoid the quiz taking too much time.
We ask the voter to rate the party based on their view of how the party would cope with the responsibility of governing.
At the end of the second process you will get a ranking of the three parties based on section one – how much you agree with their policies – and section two – how you think they would do in government.
If you’re still surprised/amazed/angry with the outcome, then maybe you are more conservative/liberal/radical than you thought you were.
And if you are uncomfortable with the choices, take the quiz again and think more carefully about your answers.
Have fun!