
Election 2024: Manifesto Guide

The Brenthurst Foundation has compiled and summarised the key points of each of the major parties contesting the elections in South Africa on 29 May 2024 to go along with our Vote Navigator quiz which you can access on our web site.

16 May 2024 ·   20 min read

Election 2024: Manifesto Guide



Expand public employment to sustain 2.5 million work opportunities. This includes: the Presidential Employment Stimulus, funding to civil society to provide work opportunities; expanding and institutionalise the National Youth Service in partnership with the SANDF; increasing support for small enterprises We must balance market dynamics with state intervention to foster inclusive economic progress and address historical disparities. South Africa needs to industrialise and reduce its reliance on primary commodity exports and the import of luxury and capital goods. Monopoly concentration inhibits the growth of small businesses Engage and direct financial institutions to invest a portion of their funds in industrialisation, infrastructure development and the economy, through prescribed assets. Coordinate fiscal and monetary policy, towards supporting balanced and sustainable growth. Where necessary, this will require an expansionary fiscal policy. Increase investment in a large-scale social and economic infrastructure plan. Develop gas, nuclear and hydro power projects for increased energy generation. Support infrastructure roll-out through frontloading, insourcing, building state capacity and public-private partnerships. Modernise policing with more frontline police officers. This includes action against drugs, organised crime, gender-based violence and femicide. Provide additional capacity to the Hawks to tackle organised crime. Strengthen the justice system, including the National    Prosecuting Authority (NPA). Reduce case backlogs and delays. Tackle corruption, improve public accountability, strengthen investigation and prosecution capabilities and ensure severe consequences for corrupt activities in the public and private spheres. Establish the Investigating Directorate as a permanent entity within the NPA. Build a social compact against corruption. Build a capable and developmental state, strengthen links between government and the people, rebuild and improve local government, build a professional and developmental public service. Advance e-government and digital services. Protect judicial independence and increase access to justice. Ensure municipalities fulfil their basic obligations. Universal access to basic education. Expand skills development in emerging fields like data analytics and artificial intelligence. Massive growth of post-school education and training. Increase enrolment and graduation of students in universities, TVET colleges and community education and training colleges. Implement the National Health Insurance (NHI) to make quality health care affordable and available to all. Expand the Ideal Clinic programme to improve the quality of care. Strengthen financial management and supply chain management in public health institutions. Leverage new technologies like telemedicine and artificial intelligence. Phase in a basic income support grant. Prioritise food security, including through VAT exemption on essential items. We will act against price fixing. Maintain and expand subsidised basic services like water, houses for the poor and indigent Overhaul the immigration system in line with the Draft White Paper on Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection to deal with the issue of irregular and illegal migration, simplify visa application procedures, introduce a unified citizen, refugee and migration law. Regulate employment of foreign workers. Simplify visas. Increase the voice of developing countries in multilateral institutions. Advance progressive internationalism and solidarity with the peoples of Palestine, Western Sahara, Cuba and others. South-South and North-South cooperation through BRICS, the G20, the NonAligned Movement and other forums. Push for reform of the UN Security Council.

Read the manifesto here.



To rescue South Africans from unemployment and get more people into jobs, we need to loosen up the labour market, up-skill our workforce, and make it easier for businesses to invest in the economy. End state control over the economy, its protection of COSATU’s vested interests, and its obsession with race-based policies, such as so-called “Broad-Based” Black Economic Empowerment and race quotas, which have come at the expense of the poor and the unemployed. Broadening collective bargaining so that it is more representative Rather than trying to extract more out of the approximately 5.5 million people who keep South Africa’s coffers afloat, we need to broaden the pool of taxpayers. Implement debt ceilings in the form of a fiscal rule to limit annual government borrowing, avoiding further debt crises We need to get the state out of the power generation business, diversify our energy mix, and encourage the emergence of private prosumers (individuals who both produce and consume electricity). through a balanced approach to privatisation. The goal is to make SOEs financially responsible, fostering competition and innovation Devolve policing powers to competent provincial and local governments. Move towards evidence-based policing. Identifying crime hotspots for the efficient allocation of SAPS resources. Reduce SAPS bloated senior management to allow more boots on the ground. Ensure appointments and promotions are based on merit. Make political interference in recruitment and selection processes of public servants a criminal offence. To rescue South Africans from crime, corruption and lawlessness, we need a new independent crime-busting institution, to ensure that those guilty of crimes are put behind bars We will start fixing what is broken in government by abolishing cadre deployment, firing corrupt officials and appointing competent people with the skills to deliver services. We will build a capable state to partner with the private sector and civil society to rescue South Africa. We must ensure that each child gets 210 full teaching days per year, that teachers are competent, and that sufficient time is dedicated to developing children’s ability to read, write and calculate. Remove politicians from the running of healthcare facilities and increase access to healthcare services. Reject the NHI in favour of the DA’s Universal Healthcare Coverage model, which aims to increase access to services in both the public and private health sectors. Increase the child grant to the food poverty line, and expand the basket of essential food items exempt from Value Added Tax (VAT) Harness the opportunity presented by migration, while taking seriously the anxieties of those who feel left behind. Our rules and procedures must encourage compliance by being easy to understand, fair, and transparent. Leverage key agreements and legislation such as AGOA and SACUM-EU EPA to enhance our trade connections, streamline trade procedures, and support the competitiveness of local firms in the global market.

Read the manifesto here.



Aim to create 5 million jobs in 5 years by focusing on sectors such as mining, agriculture, re-industrialization, tourism, and infrastructure development. Permanent jobs for all willing and capable workers at salary of R4500. One year military service for youth reaching age of 18. Expropriate all land without compensation and transfer ownership to state and traditional leaders. Nationalise strategic mines, ArcelorMittal and Sasol. Revitalise SOEs. Eliminate reliance on foreign investment in the resources sector. Nationalise Reserve Bank, major banks and insurance companies to reduce dominance of private finance over the economy. End austerity and neoliberalsm. Use macro-prudential, fiscal and monetary policies to eliminate the current account deficit. Set up Sovereign Wealth Fund. Impose exchange controls on capital inflows. Extend the electrical grid to all corners of South Africa, ensuring enough capacity to power our industrial future, from raw material processing to manufacturing. Continue to use and explore affordable and sustainable forms of electricity, prioritizing the benefit of South Africans. Strengthen border security and reduce corruption, ensuring South African laws are respected and prioritized over foreign interests. Overhaul law enforcement agencies to improve efficiency and effectiveness in combating crime and corruption. Overhaul law enforcement agencies to improve efficiency and effectiveness in combating crime and corruption. Moving away from constitutional supremacy toward unfettered parliamentary supremacy. Strengthen the role and authority of traditional leaders in governance and community development, ensuring their participation in decision-making processes that affect their communities. Free, mandatory from early childhood to postgraduate level. Mandatory indigenous languages taught in schools from Grade 0 to Grade 12. Mandatory subject teaching African history, values ethics and morals with special attention to gender relations. Implement the National Health Insurance (NHI) to redistribute resources in the healthcare system away from private healthcare system. State pharmaceutical company to break power of private monopoly over health system. Mandatory annual health screening. Implement a compulsory pension and housing fund based on Singapore model for all employed workers to bolster domestic savings. Introduce Basic Income Grant of R1558 for those not able to work. Increase child support, pension and disability grants. Strengthen border control by using the military. Enhance border surveillance. Revamp Home Affairs by eliminating corruption and updating immigration infrastructure. Enhance Border Management Authority. Advocate for policies that promote peace, stability, and economic integration within the SADC region and beyond. Stand in solidarity with Russia, Cuba, and Palestine in struggle against Western imperialism. Withdraw from International Criminal Court. Work with BRICS on alternative currencies. Review finance relationships with the West.

Read the manifesto here.



Establish State-Owned Housing and Roads Companies that will deal with the social housing and roads infrastructure backlog. In the short to medium term, this will result in nearly 4 million jobs. Municipal SEZs across the country. State must procure 80% of goods and services locally. A minimum wage of R6,000 across the board for all full-time workers Expropriation of South Africa’s land without compensation for equal redistribution in use. Nationalisation of mines, banks and other strategic sectors of the economy, including Sasol and ArcelorMittal. Massive protected industrial development to create millions of sustainable jobs, including the introduction of minimum wage Collect 100% more taxes. Nationalise the Reserve Bank and create state-owned banks to do all government business. South Africa’s fiscal architecture permanently incapacitates the state from achieving basic service delivery demands, and taxes are not maximally collected from the private sector. Direct Eskom to develop an internal substantial renewable energy division to build its own infrastructure, focusing on solar, wind, and hydro-energy, and researching to improve their reliability. Use clean coal. Fund Eradicate all illegal connections. Global cooperation with Russia to establish a nuclear power plant. Treat crime as a socio-economic issue. A 25 year sentence for any law enforcement officer convicted of a serious crime. A 25 year sentence for pointing a firearm at a law enforcement officer. Life sentence for killing law enforcement officer. Deploy police according to population. Officers with skills in handling sexual violence. Make National Prosecuting Authority an independent Chapter 9 institution. Merge SIU and Public Protector to create a supreme investigative structure. Move Parliament to Tshwane. Abolish the provinces. Voting age reduced to 16. Compel national, provincial and state-owned entities to procure 80% of all goods from local producers and a minimum of 50% from producers of which 50% is owned and controlled by women and the youth Free, decolonized education for all. Criminalize all parents who do not take their children to school. Ensure that all schools have access to adequate sanitation, and that pit latrines are completely eradicated. Free higher education until first degree. Scholarships for 10 000 to study abroad. Compulsory learner driving licence subject for all pupils. Strengthen primary health care: universal coverage, and people-centred care, with an emphasis on public health and evidence-based policies. Ensure adequate, equitable domestic funding for health and will proactively ensure sustainability and will not allow austerity or deficits to impact the health system efficiency. Double social grant payments for older persons war veterans, disabled, care dependency, foster child and child support. Free sanitary products distributed via hospitals and clinics. Accessibility for disabled to buildings, public transport as well as for hearing and visually impaired. Eliminate inequalities that LGBTQIA+ people face Ensure that all immigrants shall be registered and have their fingerprints captured by the new Department of Home Affairs and Internal Security. Open borders within Africa. Side with Russia against Ukraine. Support Palestinian state. Advocate for the signing of the AU Free Movement of People Agreement by all African States. Advocate for all ties with external forces and former colonizers to be rejected from the African continent. Advocate African states withdraw from the International Criminal Court.

Read the manifesto here.



Companies must employ a minimum of 80% South Africans. Unemployed Graduate Grant of R3000 for a fixed period to assist graduates to find meaningful employment. Market-led economic policies. Exempt SMMEs from excessive red tape. Introduce a Local Economic Development Grant to support rural and township business cooperatives. Support small-scale farming. Reallocate all unused land that is in the hands of the state. Land expropriation with reasonable compensation. A robust restructuring of the economy and the fiscus to fund our programmes. Cut Government Ministries and their lavish spending. Enter into public-private partnerships for failing State-Owned Enterprises, instead of bailing them out. End the inexcusable practice of underspending which leads to the return of funds to the fiscus. Open the energy market and diversify energy generation. Coal remains a key source of energy, nuclear remains part of the mix. Promote wind turbines, hydro and solar power. Open a national debate on the reinstatement of the death penalty. Deny bail to perpetrators of violence against women and children. Enhance existing SAPS infrastructure, equipment and technology. Prompt dismissal and prosecution of corrupt officials. Immediate and radical reform is required to strengthen the justice system, security, military, and intelligence services. Cut Government Ministries and their lavish spending. Enter into public-private partnerships. Practical measures that empower South Africans towards self-help and self-reliance. Leading with integrity and truly serving. Free, equitable and quality basic education for all, and state-sponsored higher education for poor and low-income families. Strong family structure a cornerstone of education. Minimum pass mark set at 50%. Minimise politcal interference in teacher appointments. Increase investment in TVET colleges. Everyone in South Africa must have equal access to equitable, accessible, quality, state-sponsored health services. Address shortage of doctors and nurses and improve pay. Devolve power to run hospitals to provinces. Address high cost of medicine. A modern, functioning grant system that is fit for purpose and pays the correct grant recipients, on time. Increase Old Age Grant and Child Grant. Link all grants to opportunities and training to uplift recipients. Exempt all staple staple foods from VAT. Food relief through a SASSA voucher programme. Reserve the small enterprise market and the spaza shop industry for South Africans. Deploy the SANDF to ports of entry and borders. Construction of border walls. A stand-alone, capacitated National Immigration Inspectorate. Ensure that critical skills visas are issued within a four-week turnaround period.  

Read the manifesto here.

Action Sa


A voluntary year of service for young people without a path to education or an immediate job offer. A targeted public works programme by investing in projects that have a high potential for job creation, economic growth, and economic competitiveness. Reform the labour market. A competitive, market-based economy with minimal government interference, in which entrepreneurs and the private sector are treated as valued and trusted partners. Remove excessive limitations on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Inclusive Economic Empowerment Act to empower historically disadvantaged South Africans. Introduce an Opportunity Fund Levy. This introduces a 5% company tax for all companies, excluding SMMEs, and is projected to raise about R55.7 billion. Allocate Opportunity Fund income as follows: 10% to tertiary education, 30% to entrepreneurial funding, 35% to infrastructure in underserved communities, and 25% to further investment. Establish a competitive and decentralised energy market. A legal framework that allows private companies to build small, local energy grids to serve clients in a limited geographic area. A gradual shift to renewable energy technologies will be managed responsibly. End Eskom's monopoly. Expand the police service and implement strict physical condition requirements. Reduce the government’s expenditure on VIP protection. Investigative units specialising in anti-gangsterism, financial crimes, organised crime, and economic sabotage. Harsher punishment for the manufacturing, distribution, and sale of narcotics. Assign a fixed percentage of the annual national budget towards our fight against corruption. Specialised courts to deal with corruption and create an independent Chapter 9 anti-corruption agency. A capable and politically independent public service advances the interests of South Africans. Ban cadre deployment and ensure that all appointments to the civil service are based on merit. Implement e-governance for citizens to interact with the government through online platforms. Decentralise government. Teaching methods for numerical skills development that have been scientifically proven as successful.ensure that 90% of South African learners will be able to read for meaning by the age of 10 by 2035. School inspectors will be reintroduced. A skills-based vocational stream of education after grade 10. Will build TVET colleges. Oppose the NHI Bill in its current form because it is not aligned with the realities of South Africa’s public healthcare system. Prioritise fixing the public healthcare system by eliminating corruption, streamlining management and administration, and increasing investment into primary healthcare facilities. Treat substance abuse as a medical condition. A Universal Basic Income Stimulus (UBIS) to alleviate poverty and support citizen’s participation in the economy. Ultimately work towards eliminating broad reliance on social grants but meanwhile increase grants to protect against effects of poverty. Ensure that all goods and people entering South Africa do so lawfully. Improve the surveillance and management of our country’s borders. Improve deportation processes related to foreign nationals found guilty of committing crimes. Condemn any prejudiced acts of violence against foreign nationals. Simplify work visas. Reclaim South Africa’s position among the leading developing economies of the world. Reform regulations to encourage foreign investment into our economy.

Read the manifesto here.



A rigourous public works programme for road infrastructure. Provide adequate ICT infrastructure. Create Township Special Economic Zones. Incentivise industries in rural communities through tax credits. One year voluntary national civilian service for post-matriculants in health, education, and SAPS. Ensure that advanced sectors of the economy thrive by improving infrastructure for international trade such as rail and ports. Invest in innovation. Immigration laws must allow skilled labour into the country. Deal with regulatory and institutional deficiencies that hinder economic growth. Establish a Jobs and Justice Fund to which business will contribute empowerment funding to be administered by professionals. End Eskom's monopoly. Enable the entrance of multiple energy companies that will ensure a reliable supply of electricity. Create a competitive market allowing end users to make choices. Professionalise the SAPS, equip them with cutting-edge technology and training. Streamline criminal justice system to bring perpetrators to justice swiftly and efficiently. Digitise dockets. Promotions must be performance-based. Recruit and train 120 000 new officers to increase visible policing and detective services. Decentralise and localise policing. Remove corrupt and poor-performing members of SAPS. Establish a National Criminal Investigation Directorate to pursue and prosecute the top 100 most violent criminals and crime organisations. Reduce cabinet size, remove all deputy ministers, monthly performance reviews in all key departments. Reform Public Service Commission to have tighter appointment guidelines. An ethics ombudsman for cabinet. Lifestyle audits for all senior positions. Ensure equitable access to quality education at an adequate standard, with indicators of literacy and numeracy comparable to the top nations in the world. Grow the number of technical training centres. Drop the 30% pass mark. Raise salaries for educators and curb union powers. Replace life orientation with critical thinking.   Collaborate with NGOs, the private sector and faith-based organisations to nourish the poorest who are unable to provide their own meals and to address homelessness. Ensure that immigration laws allow for easy access of skilled labour in sectors requiring skills.  

Read the manifesto here.



Military service for those without jobs or who are not in education institutions offers 100% employment. Take 1% of sales from profitable corporations towards a national lending bank for indigent entrepreneurs. Drop minium wage requirement for businesses operating for less than a year. Support and promote the free market system. Break monopolies where necessary. Promote industrialisation and beneficiation. Focus on building competitive industries and addressing infrastructure challenges. Do away with BEE as it exists and establish empowerment fund. Take unproductive land and sell it to new operators. Banks should shift to credit scorecard lending, consider integrating personal and business banking. Set up state bank to compete with private banks. Tax holidays for foreign corporations that meet certain employment criteria. Liberalise power generation. Continue to use coal to maintain baseload while adding renewables. Bring back the death penalty to show the state is serious about combatting lawlessness. Dedicated units with specialised officers and detectives to deal with crime. Police must work with the public more closely. Focus prisons on reconciliation. Promote a culture of transparency in the police force. Random integrity tests for officers. Audit civil service to pinpoint corruption. Heavy fines and prison sentences. Life sentence or even death penalty for head of major department involved in corruption. A cabinet comprised of experts in their fields, from other parties if necessary. Strong leadership is required. Elevate royal and local leaders, strengthen traditional courts. More competitive public procurement. Limit union influence in principal appointments. Subject teachers to independent tests and send on remediation courses if needed. Public-private partnerships. Subsidise private schools that do well. Finance tertiary students in scarce fields. Public-private partnerships to to raise level of public healthcare. Not opposed to comprehensive state healthcare system but state must first demonstrate it can use resources it already has. Criminalise selling of dangerous pharmaceuticals. 100% of HIV-infected must have access to treatment. Social grants are necessary for particularly the disabled, the very poor and the elderly. Others should be prepared to work. Zero tolerance for illegal immigration. Mass deport of illegal foreigners, stricter immigration policies and severe penalties for businesses hiring illegal foreigners. Build a wall to protect against illegal foreigners. Counteract aggressive recruitment of South African talent by countries such as the UK, US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Read the manifesto here.



Policy certainty, an effective government and adequate infrastructure development are crucial. Trade unions’ power should be restricted and any irresponsible actions that lead to the loss of jobs should be prohibited by stringent legislation. Quality education and skills development to sustainably eradicate unemployment. Only the free market can fully unlock, create, promote and protect economic value. The cornerstone of the free market is private property rights. Abolish BEE. Deregulation to make it easier to start businesses. Privatise state-owned enterprises. Government must stay out of the free market. State-owned enterprises should be privatised, and control should be exercised over government expenditure (fiscal discipline). Government should not be allowed to spend more than it collects through taxes. Personal and company tax need to be lowered in order to stimulate investment. Power generation should be left to competing industries that make use of innovation to supply cleaner and optimal electricity. Privatise Eskom and other SOEs. Declare electricity theft (including illegal connections) a statutory offence and prosecute. Encourage a transition to renewable energy with tax incentives and a nil VAT rate on panels and other components. Improve the efficiency of crime intelligence to prevent crime. Declare farm attacks a priority crime. Units (such as the Scorpions) should be created to properly prosecute organised crime. Private expenditure on safety and security should be tax deductible. The political will to prosecute individuals - including high-ranking politicians - who are, or have been, involved in corrupt practices Focus on building a better future rather than on transformation and redistribution. A multi-party, or coalition, government to keep the ANC and EFF out of power. A small, effective government characterised by hard work and appointments based on merit. All authority should be exercised on the lowest, possible level. Parent- and community-driven mother-tongue education. A new educational culture of hard work, higher standards and honesty. Trade unions for teachers in the basic education environment should be replaced by a conciliation and arbitration system . Prohibit all forms of protest actions and picketing in the immediate vicinity of schools. An environment enabling private healthcare institutions to deliver quality and cost-effective services should also be created. State hospitals and clinics should be run by private service providers. Cooperation between the private and public healthcare sectors so that expertise and facilities can be pooled. The planned NHI should be terminated at once. Social grants are justified, but the aim should be to reduce dependence on these grants by creating favourable economic circumstances that promote financial independence and wealth. The integrity of our country’s borders should be restored. Ensure effective border control that restores the integrity of our country’s borders.
Take decisive action against corrupt officials.
Our foreign policy should reinforce South Africa’s central role in Africa. Preference for countries that promote self-determination within their own borders and countries with which South Africa already has or can establish strong trade ties. A two-state solution is proposed for Israel and Palestine.

Read the manifesto here.



Expand the Employment Tax Incentive for businesses to employ more people, particularly youth. Adopt measures to grow the agricultural sector and expand the number of successful commercial farmers. Focus on the country’s competitive advantages. Ensure ease of starting business by reducing unnecessary red tapes. Protect all property rights and ensure that just and equitable compensation is paid for any expropriated land Review all the components of the fuel price (including the General Fuel and Road Accident Fund levies) to provide cheaper fuel. Employ more capable, competent persons, and where necessary, reappoint retired engineers and technical experts. Exempt the energy sector from preferential procurement provisions and localisation. Prioritise high grade coal and clean coal technology for our coal-fired power stations. Support increased renewable energy. Deny bail for certain categories of crime such as murder, rape, armed robbery and car hijacking. Provide more police stations, forensic laboratories, courts to improve investigations and prosecutions. Protect our communities and borders by increasing police visibility and conducting more roadblocks. Ensure that public officials who are guilty of corrupt conduct are speedily prosecuted, not suspended indefinitely on full pay, and held personally liable to refund the state. Establish an independent specialised anti-corruption entity. Ensure the Auditor-General, the Public Protector, SAPS, Hawks, SIU, AFU, and the NPA are properly staffed. End cadre deployment and race-based policies that have caused inflated prices and resulted in a “tender-preneur” economy Adopt a world-class education system such as the Cambridge system. Re-open and equip training colleges, improve education standards and the salaries of educators, and re-introduce school inspectors. Restrict union activities at schools including in the appointment educators and principals. Repeal the 30% pass mark. Repeal government’s proposed expropriation of private health care through the National Health Insurance. Oppose mandatory Covid-19 (or similar variants) vaccinations. Increase the number of social workers and community development workers to respond to the need for better welfare services in order to alleviate poverty. Protect our communities and borders by increasing police visibility and conducting more roadblocks. Strengthen the South African National Defence Force to protect our borders. Re-establish full diplomatic relations with Israel, move the South African Embassy to Jerusalem.

Read the manifesto here.



Construction of factories aimed at employing people. Economy must be in the hands of South Africans. 50% of government spending to SMMEs. Government contracts under R10m for SMMEs. Place private sector under government control. No privatisation of state functions. Investment in road and rail infrastructure. Support SOEs to make sure they succeed. Regulate digital economy (Uber, Bolt). Dismantle oligopolies, for example in banking industry. Beneficiation of minerals. Localise production. One-household, one farm. Expropriation of land without compensation. Banks must be held accountable for interest charges. PIC must invest in manufacturing. Get existing coal fired power stations to operate optimally. Eskom must remain state-owned. Cancel contracts at Eskom for coal at inflated prices. Bring back death penalty. Empower police to use deadly force when their lives are under threat. No human rights for criminals. Employ all police reservists. Train police to increase rate of conviction. Special task force to deal with illegal mining. Deal with protection rackets. Life sentence without parole for drug and human traffickers and corrupt policemen.   Establish a capable state that does not privatise. Give royals role in leadership. Invest in school infrastructure and bring about a skills-based education system. Train job-creators instead of job seekers. Invest in school sport, arts and culture. Use TV to educate about social problems. End student funding corruption. Close bogus colleges. Free tertiary education. Universal access to quality healthcare. Deal with fake foods that are killing people with harsh sentences. Government must employ environmental health practitioners. Traditional healers must be given space to operate. Increase social grants. Establish a dependable system that reflects the needs of all. Foreigners must not be allowed to drive Ubers in South Africa. Stronger border management to prevent crime.  

Read the manifesto here.



Scale the National Youth Service to one million young people who have completed matric. Support entrepreneurs with upskilling and access to capital at competitive lending rates to reduce enterprise failure, grow the economy and create employment opportunities.d> Rescuing the economy needs the participation and buy-in of all key stakeholders such as trade unions, business organisations and civic groups. Private sector investment a critical component of the solution within the frame of a broad social contract. Incentivise and support value-adding capital investments to improve complexity and value of exports.d> Ensure that regulations are easy to understand, licensing or regulatory approvals are efficient.d> Ensure boards and management with the requisite experience and expertise. Review all major contracts for price gouging, eliminate corrupt officials and reform their procurement systems. Use international climate change transition financial instruments to develop a local solar production and installation industry. Move to a balanced, green energy mix. Work with the Chief Justice to improve the quality of judicial and quasi-judicial officers. We will professionalise and equip the police to improve their ability to deter and investigate crime. Focus on preventing crime by addressing socio-economic conditions. Proactive evidence and intelligence-based policing. More courts and more prosecutors.d> An independent and well-resourced anti-corruption agency. A new, professional and ethical leadership across the security and criminal justice clusters. Protect and incentivise whistle blowers. Focus on senior figures that have escaped accountability for corruption to set an example.d> The constitution is the central pillar of our values. Appoint capable, ethical leaders. Reform and reduce Cabinet by streamlining ministries. Replace cadre deployment with a competitive, transparent, and accountable appointment process. Fix public procurement. Constituency-based electoral system. Stronger independent institutions. Expand digitisation of services. A multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach to improve basic education outcomes, and to provide skills training opportunities. Improve the quality of teaching in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Invest in regional training facilities for people who did not complete school. All learners required to study one African language. Install basic healthcare and wellness facilities within a 15-minute ride of every home, and a major health facility within an hour. Emphasise social and health support, rather than punishment, for substance abuse offences.d> Use a combination of government income grants, food discount vouchers for grant recipients, increasing access to piped water in rural areas, land for own food production, and small-scale farming to improve food security. Provide channels, infrastructure and opportunities for people with disabilities.d> Dramatically reduce irregular immigration. Ease entry into South Africa of skilled workers, frequent travellers and tourists to aid economic development and job creation. Develop a realistic and practical approach to managing regional migration. Increase public trust in the management of immigration. Advance economic development by securing preferential access to priority markets and attracting investment. Advance Africa's development. Work with countries with similar constitutional values to build global culture of human rights. Advocate for global governance reforms to better reflect Africa. Lead in African free trade. Strengthen AU ability to solve conflicts Read the manifesto here.



Identify alternative and innovative financing options to assist small entrepreneurs. Devote more resources to promote “buying South African”. Launch a massive enterprise focussing on job creation through infrastructure maintenance and development. Protect South Africans from unfair competition from illegal and undocumented immigrants Ensure policy consistency and certainty. Create an environment that is conducive for the private sector to flourish. Deal decisively with the financial and governance challenges facing SOEs. A comprehensive ward, municipal, district and provincial based infrastructure development plan. An Economic Indaba to discuss the economy and land policy. Follow a model of manageable public debt and budget deficit, that has fiscal discipline as a basic tenant. Never use borrowed money to fund government's day-to-day operational expenses. maintain budget deficits and public deficits that are in line with international standards, as well as introducing a Debt Management Bill within the first hundred days in office. Discard Eskom's monopolistic practices. Ensure all stakeholders have maximum possible access to the grid. Privatise Eskom with government holding 51%. Increase nuclear, hydro, solar and wind related energy generation.d> Establish a Crime Prevention Ministry to bring justice, police, correctional services, defence and national intelligence under one umbrella. Depoliticise all members of the SANDF, South African Police Service (SAPS) and Intelligence Communities. Allocate more resources towards destroying crime syndicates. Untie the tangled web of corruption where SOEs are concerned with significant consequences for the guilty. Restore the powers of accounting officers. Effective procedures and special courts to prosecute those in the public and private sector involved in corruption. Provincial anti-corruption task teams. Codes of conduct to prevent corruption. Appoint government officials based on merit. Promote the separation of powers between the executive and the legislature. Professionalise the civil service to reduce the reliance on consultants. Regular training and upskilling of public servants. Add constituencies to the electoral system. Regulate coalition governments to serve the people. Promote learning and teaching, by emphasising discipline. Build, fix and upgrade school infrastructure, as well as the eradication of mud schools and pit latrines. Zero tolerance toward crime, especially sexual harassment and abuse. Reopen teacher training colleges and vocational training centers and bring back inspectors. Free tertiary education for the poor. Commit to healthcare that is linked to other social cluster portfolios. Regulate and monitor traditional healing and healers to ensure that exploitation does not occur. An integrated response to alcohol and drug abuse.d> Give those living with disabilities a direct say in laws, policies and regulations. Act in accordance with the constitution and international best practice by protecting the rights of people living with disabilities. Provide programmes to reintegrate vulnerable youth into the economic and social mainstream.d> Protect South Africans, in policy and law, from unfair competition from illegal and undocumented immigrants and deal with the exploitation of illegal immigrants in the private sector. Handle illegal immigration in a compassionate and holistic manner in line with our continental and international obligations. A focus on multilateralism rather than unilateral decisions. Review international conventions that allow countries to use SA as a dumping ground for goods. Retain the moral high ground in international conflict resolution scenarios without taking sides. Promote SADC infrastructure. Read the manifesto here.

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