Don't Know Who to Vote For? Take the Quiz
The Brenthurst Foundation has launched its Vote Navigator, a tool to help you decide on who to vote for in the general election on May 29.

The tool helps narrow down your choices based on exhaustive research into manifestos. This narrows down your options to a shortlist of three to which you can add more parties. The final choice is in your hands when you get the opportunity to rate parties according to their ability to govern.
We believe that participation in the election is vital to producing a truly representative government that can take the country forward and we urge you to exercise your right to vote on May 29, whichever party you favour.
Check it out at this address:
Quote from Research Director, Ray Hartley: “This tool is based on the manifestos of all parties with 2% or more support in the polls and includes others. It does not take sides, but leaves it up to voters to decide how they rate parties according to their ability to deliver. The most important message is: Choose a party that will represent your concerns and interests.”