
Democracy Works: Re-Wiring Politics to Africa's Advantage
Greg Mills, Olusegun Obasanjo, Jeffrey Herbst, Tendai Biti

Making Africa work: A handbook for economic success
Dickie Davis, Olusegun Obasanjo, Jeffrey Herbst, Greg Mills

A Great Perhaps? Colombia: Conflict and Convergence
Greg Mills, Dickie Davis, David Spencer, David Kilcullen

How South Africa Works - And Must Do Better
Jeffrey Herbst, Greg Mills

Why States Recover: Changing Walking Societies into Winning Nations, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe
Greg Mills

Tafelberg Short: Somalia - Fixing Africa's Most Failed State
Greg Mills, David Kilcullen, J Peter Pham

Africa's Third Liberation
Jeffrey Herbst, Greg Mills

On the Fault Line: Managing Tensions and Divisions within Societies
Terence McNamee, Jeffrey Herbst, Greg Mills

Why Africa is Poor: And What Africans Can Do About It
Greg Mills

Victory Among People: Lessons from Countering Insurgency and Stabilising Fragile States
Sir David Richards, Greg Mills

From Africa to Afghanistan: With Richards and NATO to Kabul
Greg Mills

Big African States: Angola, DRC, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan
Jeffrey Herbst, Greg Mills, Christopher Clapham